Welcome from Our Pastor

 My name is David Sherwood and I am the Senior Pastor of Trinity Presbyterian Church. It is my
privilege to welcome you to our web site with the hope that it will help you become better
acquainted with our ministry.

Churches, of course, come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and varieties.
All have their strengths and weaknesses, ways in which they reflect Christ’s ideal for the Church,
ways in which they fall short. And Trinity is no exception. We believe we have a lot to be thankful
for, but we also believe we have a long way to go in becoming the people God calls us to be.

That being said, I find it difficult to contain my enthusiasm for this community of God’s people. In
over thirty years of experience as a Christian minister, rarely have I come across a group of people so wonderfully diverse, so richly textured by such a wide variety of experiences and backgrounds. Students and professionals, blue collar and white collar, Asians and Anglos and Liberians, people from North and South and East and West, and from around the globe all play a part in the Trinity family.

At Trinity, we don’t pretend to be something that we’re not. We all have our failings and shortcomings, we all stand in need of the grace and mercy of God. And because we’re so dependent upon God’s grace, we seek to be gracious in our dealings with one another. We want Trinity to be a merciful place, a place where broken, fallen people can not only discover the grace of God in Jesus Christ, but can also find friendship, love, and acceptance with others. This is one of the many reasons why my family and I are so grateful to be a part of Trinity.

So, enjoy your visit. We hope that our web site will help you get a sense of the feel and flavor of Trinity’s ministry. But as helpful as a web site may be, it’s no substitute for reality. So we also hope that you will join us for worship some time soon. We would love to have the opportunity to meet you.

Cordially in Christ,
David Sherwood, Senior Pastor

Sundays at Trinity

Christian Education 9:15AM | Worship 10:30AM

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To all who are spiritually weak and seek rest; to all who mourn and long for comfort; to all who struggle and desire victory; to all who are strangers and want fellowship; to all who hunger and thirst after righteousness; and to whomsoever will come, this Church opens wide her doors and offers welcome in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Trinity is located in downtown Providence near the J. Joseph Garrahy Court Complex. You can access a map and directions by clicking. Our address is:

72 Clifford St.
Providence, RI 02903